"D.O or Do Not" is a podcast that was created by Dr. Ian Storch and executed with the help of Dr. Tianyu She PGY-II.
There are two types of fully Licensed Physicians in the United States Allopathic Medical Doctors (M.D.) and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)
There are 40 Osteopathic Medical Schools in the US. Osteopathic schools produce 15 percent of the physicians in the country and there are currently over 150,000 licensed D.O.'s practicing in the US.
Osteopathic Medical Schools are very similar to their Allopathic counterparts. The major distinguishing feature of medical training for the Osteopath lies in 1) the way that candidates are chosen for entrance into school 2) Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) - an EXTRA course which allopaths do not typically receive and 3) a philosophy and patient approach which focuses on holistic medicine (treating the patient as a whole instead of a sum of its parts). Interestingly, over the past 10 years, many allopathic schools have adopted this approach as well.
This podcast looks to examine the JOURNEY and EXPERIENCE of extraordinary Osteopathic Physicians in practice. We will speak to doctors in different specialties and stages of their career. We will ask them not only how they chose osteopathic school, but how being a D.O. has shaped their professional training and choice of specialty as well as what it is like for them in their current practice.
The podcast was started to help pre-medical students who are considering applying to osteopathic medical school to make educated decisions by being able to evaluate the possibilities which will be available to them after graduation.
For current D.O. students and residents, we hope to inspire them with stories of success and triumph to be the best that they possibly can be.
We will explore professional difficulties and failures experienced by D.O. physicians. We will discuss with doctors how taking the path less traveled can sometimes be much harder, but can certainly make all of the difference.
Finally, we think that the podcast will appeal to anyone who is interested in the physician's journey from college student, through medical school, residency, fellowship and into medical practice. Everyone loves to hear stories of the physician's journey
We hope you enjoy the stories we have gathered for you as much as we have enjoyed collecting them.
Please contact us if you know a physician who would help to educate our listeners or have any requests or feedback.
Dr. Ian Storch and Dr. Tianyu She